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Frequently Asked Questions

The name Sierra Leone derives from Serra Leoa, Portuguese for Lioness Mountains, the name given by Portuguese colonizer Pedro da Sintra to the mountains of the Freetown Peninsula.

Sierra Leone’s climate is tropical and relatively hot throughout the year, with maximum temperatures around 28/30°C (82/86°F) and minimum averages around 23/25°C (73/77°F) on the coast. Temperatures are usually a few degrees higher in the interior of the country, especially in the mountains.

Sierra Leone has two distinct seasons: the dry season, from November to April, and the dry season, from May to October, and torrential downpours are commonplace. December/February is also harmattan season, a hot wind blowing from the Sahara bringing haze and dry heat, with temperatures sometimes reaching 40°C (100°F).

Lightweight, casual clothing can be worn throughout the year. In the interior, it is recommended to wear long sleeves and pants to protect yourself from mosquitoes and other insects, especially at dusk.
In Sierra Leone the standard voltage is 230 V and the frequency is 50 Hz.
Hotels in Freetown usually have reliable electricity and Wi-Fi, but destinations in remote areas may only have electricity on for a few hours a day. Wi-Fi connection outside Freetown can be quite good but usually ranges from spotty to non-existent.
The official language in Sierra Leone is English, but the most common is Krio, an English-based Creole language. Every ethnic group in Sierra Leone also speaks a different language, the most common of which are Temne and Mende.
In Freetown you can find a range of accommodation options ranging from luxury hotels to hostels and budget guesthouses. In the interior and remote areas there may only be a few accommodation options available, which are usually quite spartan.
In Freetown, accommodation ranges from $25 for budget guesthouses to $350 for a suite at the Country Lodge, considered to be one of the more luxurious hotel in town. In remote areas of the country accommodation prices also vary, but are usually offered in packages including guides, transport, activities and meals.
A traditional Sierra Leonean meal including rice and accompaniments can be as cheap as $4 to $6, whereas a meal in an upscale restaurant can cost up to $50.
All visitors require a valid passport. It is also necessary to obtain a visa on arrival, at the cost of $25 for African Union nationals and $80 for passport holders of other countries. It is also possible to secure a visa online prior to arrival – visit this website to pay electronically and receive confirmation of your visa via email. Business travelers or those planning to visit Sierra Leone more than once can also apply for a multi-entry visa at their nearest consular office or enter Sierra Leone on a single-entry visa and apply for multi-entry after their arrival in the country. Nationals of the following countries are not charged for visas on arrival due to reciprocal agreements: Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Botswana, eSwatini, Fiji, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, St Kitts and Nevis.All visitors require a valid passport. It is also necessary to obtain a visa on arrival, at the cost of $25 for African Union nationals and $80 for passport holders of other countries. It is also possible to secure a visa online prior to arrival – visit this website to pay electronically and receive confirmation of your visa via email. Business travelers or those planning to visit Sierra Leone more than once can also apply for a multi-entry visa at their nearest consular office or enter Sierra Leone on a single-entry visa and apply for multi-entry after their arrival in the country. Nationals of the following countries are not charged for visas on arrival due to reciprocal agreements: Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Botswana, eSwatini, Fiji, Jamaica, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Trinidad & Tobago, St Kitts and Nevis.
Visas on arrival are valid for 30 days and can be extended for a further 30 days from the immigration department in Sierra Leone.
There is a tourist information booth at Lungi International Airport in Freetown, open from 10 am to 9 pm daily.
There is a $25 exit fee that can be paid via Orange Money, Afrimoney or via the online platform . The same fee is also charged upon arrival, and it can be paid in advance on the same website or on
Under the customs regulation of Sierra Leone, personal effects are the personal baggage of visitors and articles contained therein, including clothes, accessories and other items for personal use that travelers may need during their time in the country.
It is not necessary to declare personal effects. Visitors can also take 200 cigarettes or 250 grams of tobacco into the country, and 1 L of alcohol (no age limit). Weapons require a permit from the Police Head Office in Freetown and will be held until the permit is achieved, and pets can enter the country with valid health and vaccination certificates – please contact the nearest Sierra Leone Consulate or Embassy for information.

Here are the addresses and contact details for the main Sierra Leone embassies in Europe and North America.

Sierra Leonean High Commission in London, United Kingdom & Ireland
41 Eagle Street, Holborn
London WC1R 4TL
United Kingdom

Telephone – (+44) 207 404 0140
Fax – (+44) 207 430 9862
Email –
Website –

Sierra Leonean Embassy in Berlin, Germany, also accredited to Austria & Italy
Herwarthstrasse 4
12207 Berlin
Telephone – (+49) 30 772 058 50
Fax – (+49) 30 772 058 52 9
Email –
Website –

Sierra Leonean Embassy in Washington, D.C., United States, also accredited to Canada & Brazil
1701, 19th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009
United States
Telephone – (+1) 202 939 9261
Fax – (+1) 202 483 1793
Email –
Website –

Nationals are allowed to take 50,000 of local currency and up to $5000 worth of foreign currency, while non-residents are allowed up to 50,000 of local currency and an unlimited amount of foreign currency, that needs to be declared upon arrival.
Sierra Leone is located in West Africa, bordering Guinea and Liberia. Lungi International Airport in Freetown has direct flights to several European airports including Brussels, Paris and Istanbul – travel time is 6-8 hours. To fly from North America, it’s necessary to connect at one of the airports mentioned above, or via Casablanca, Dakar or Nairobi. Total flight time from the East Coast is between 16/20 hours, and 25/30 hours from airports on the West Coast.
Airlines that fly into Sierra Leone include Air France (AF), Turkish Airlines (TK), Royal Air Maroc (AT), Brussels Airlines (SN), Kenya Airways (KQ), ASKY Airlines (KP), Air Senegal (SZN), and Air Peace (P4).
In Freetown, you can use rickshaws, poda poda (minibuses) or moto taxis. Between major cities you can take bush taxis and poda poda, but most visitors hire a 4×4 with a local driver to take them around the country. In Freetown, you can use rickshaws, poda poda (minibuses) or moto taxis. Between major cities you can take bush taxis and poda poda, but most visitors hire a 4×4 with a local driver to take them around the country.
Vaccination against yellow fever is required to enter the country, and visitors may be asked to show proof of vaccination upon arrival. Malaria can be a concern in the wet season, so it is recommended to carry anti-malarial medication.

In Freetown and other major cities there are hospitals, but medical services in remote parts of the country can be hard to come by. All visitors are recommended to have travel insurance.

Some of the major hospitals in Freetown are:

· Choithram Memorial Hospital, Hill Station, tel +232 76 980000

· Life Care Hospital, 198 Wilkinson Road, tel +232 80 220220

· Freetown International Hospital, 28b Lumley Beach Road, +232 33 400400

It is recommended to only drink bottled water, and take water purification tablets or equipment when heading to remote areas where there may not be bottled water readily available.
Sierra Leone is a very safe country and people are warm and welcoming. The roads are not always in good condition, so avoid travelling at night; hiring a local driver is also recommended.

Although crime is relatively low it is best to take the normal precautions you would when traveling abroad. Avoid petty crime by walking around Lumley Beach at night, especially if you’re a woman, and always pay attention to your belongings in crowded areas.

Exchange rates may vary, but at the time of writing $100 was approximately equivalent to NLE 2,050. The best place to exchange money is the airport, offering the most competitive exchange rates, but you’ll also find exchange offices around Freetown. Most large hotels will also offer exchange services, but rates may not be as good.

In Freetown and other major towns in Sierra Leone there are various ATM machines in operation accepting Visa and Mastercards. They can be found at the following banks: UBA, GTBank, Eco Bank, Rokel Commercial Bank, Sierra Leone Commercial Bank, Union Trust Bank, and Access Bank Sierra Leone.

Major hotels and restaurants in Freetown accept credit cards. If you are planning to explore outside the capital, it is best to withdraw and carry cash from Freetown, as ATMs can be a little hard to find and they may not always work with debit/credit cards issued abroad.
Yes, you can also get cash through Bank Transfer via MoneyGram, Orange Money, Western Union, AFRI money and RIA.

You can easily pick up a local SIM card at your arrival at Lungi Airport. Sellers will approach you offering SIM cards from various companies, and you can also pay them to add airtime. There are four mobile phone operators in Sierra Leone: Orange, Africell, Sierratel and QCell.

Most hotels offer laundry services.Most hotels offer laundry services.

Yes, in Freetown you’ll find well-stocked supermarkets and convenience stores with all the essentials you might need (including toilet paper, sanitary towels, tissues, snacks, etc.). In smaller towns and remote areas, you’ll find small shops, but they usually only carry a few basic food items, so be sure to stock up before leaving home or before leaving Freetown.
Depending on the length of their stay, visitors can engage in a number of activities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Visiting historic landmarks in Freetown and enjoying its vibrant nightlife
  • Exploring beaches in the Freetown Peninsula and surfing, kayaking, scuba diving or simply relaxing  
  • Wildlife watching in protected areas such as Tiwai or Gola Rainforest
  • Learning about colonial history in Bunce and Bonthe Islands
  • Exploring the Banana Islands and Turtle Islands 
  • Seeing chimpanzees at Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary     
  • Trekking to the summit of Mount Bintumani
Several festivals take place in Sierra Leone throughout the year, which may be of interest to tourists. Here are some examples:

  • Ma Deng Beach Festival (December)
  • Afro- Caribbean Festival (December/January)
  • Monument and Relics Commission Citizenship Conference Ceremony/Tracing of DNA/Roots Tourism (April)
  • Eco Fest Sierra Leone (December)
You can see over 600 bird species in Sierra Leone, including 14 species endemic to the Upper Guinea Forest. The best birdwatching opportunities in Sierra Leone can be found in the country’s national parks and reserves, such as Gola, Kambui Hills, and Kangari Hills Forest Reserve.
In Sierra Leone it’s possible to see a variety of animals, including chimpanzees and other rare species such as pygmy hippos and Western red colobus monkeys. The national parks offering the best chances to see wildlife are Gola, Loma Mountains, Outamba-Kilimi, Mamunta Mayosso and Tiwai Island.
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